Messages in a Bottle is a collection of learnings from transformative creative practitioners who have been part of the CreaTures journey who gathered at the CreaTures Festival in Seville, Spain, 2022. But the bottle remains open.
If you are engaged in creative practices related to eco-social issues and transformations, we would love to hear from you! Here is the instruction we used with the contributors so far.
Once you’ve got your message, please use the hashtag #CreaTuresMessages on Twitter and your message will show on this page automatically. Please note that your message needs to be publicly accessible for this to happen. Once you’ve got your message, please use the hashtag #CreaTuresMessages on Twitter (note the max length is 2 min 20 sec) and your message will show on this page automatically. Please note that your message needs to be publicly accessible for this to happen.
Another option is to mention us on Instagram (@abrelatas and/or @nicemustard) or if you’re on Facebook or Youtube, please email us ( a link and we’ll upload it to the CreaTures account to make them appear here!

¡Hello creative-creature!
Imagine a future. The Internet collapses. Instead of a world of abundant knowledge, there is scarcity. If you could write on a piece of paper (A5) with your own hands, what learning would you like to save from your own transformative creative practice? The message is to be shared with future creative practitioners. It could be something important that should be remembered, a useful insight, experience, and learning from your journey. You need to be precise but also inspiring.
Since the Internet has not collapsed yet, we would like you to tell us what your message is about in front of a camera, for up to 3 minutes.
You can read it or explain what you wrote, drawed, or sketched. Of course, something that important could be hardly captured in such a small space (A5 paper) and a short time (3 minutes). But we trust you with this. And we encourage you to be digitally ecological, since this will be part of a public website where we are going to share Messages in a Bottle from other practitioners involved in CreaTures in different ways.
Thank you so much for participating in this game. See you in the future.